hampster home launcher Page updated on May 13th. 2014 and again on July 27th, 2015.

Source listing of hampster.php

1. <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>The Hampster Dance</TITLE>
2. <audio autoplay=on>
3. <source src="originaldedodedo.wav" type="audio/wav">
4. </audio>
5. </HEAD>
6. <BODY bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000ff text=#000000 vLink=#551a8b>
7. <H3>The Hampster Dance</H3>
8. <?php
9. echo "<A HREF=/index.html>home</A>&nbsp;";
10. echo "<A HREF=hampsterlistfile.php>source</A>&nbsp;";
11. $wide = 15;
12. echo "\$wide = " . $wide . "<BR>\n";
13. $anin = "anin.gif"; $aninnum = $wide;
14. $hamu = "hamu.gif"; $hamunum = 2 * $wide + 2;
15. $gerbil = "gerbil.gif"; $gerbilnum = $hamunum;
16. $hamwalk = "hamwalk.gif"; $hamwalknum = $hamunum + 2;
17. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $hamu, $hamunum);
18. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $gerbil, $gerbilnum);
19. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $hamu, $hamunum);
20. animalrow($hamwalk, $hamwalknum);
21. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $gerbil, $gerbilnum);
22. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $anin, $aninnum);
23. animalrow($hamu, $hamunum);
24. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $gerbil, $gerbilnum);
25. animalrow($hamwalk, $hamwalknum);
26. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $anin, $aninnum);
27. animalrow($gerbil, $gerbilnum);
28. animalrow2($anin, $aninnum, $anin, $aninnum);
29. function animalrow($animal, $rowcount){
30. $top = "<IMG src=";
31. $bottom = ">\n";
32. echo "<NOBR>";
33. for ($r=1; $r<=$rowcount; $r++){
34. echo $top . $animal . $bottom;
35. }
36. echo "</NOBR><BR>\n";
37. }
38. function animalrow2($animal1, $animal1num, $animal2, $animal2num){
39. animalrow($animal1, $animal1num);
40. animalrow($animal2, $animal2num);
41. }
42. ?>
43. <BR><BR>
44. <A HREF=/index.html>home</A>&nbsp;
45. <A HREF=hampsterlistfile.php>source</A>&nbsp;
46. <A HREF=http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hampster-dance>more</A>&nbsp;
47. <a href="#" onkeypress="bar" onclick="MyWindow=window.open('/formost.html?ref=hampster','MyWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=800,height=600'); return false;">sign guestbook</A>&nbsp;
48. Page created on April 28th. 2016. You are visitor number&nbsp;
49. <IMG SRC=/cgi-bin/number9.cgi?style=V&width=7&update=Yes&countfile=jblack_hampster.txt
50. width=168 height=28 alt="number of hits">&nbsp;&nbsp;
51. <BR><BR>
52. </BODY></HTML>

Source listing of hampsterlistfile.php

1. <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Source listing of hampster.php</TITLE>
2. </HEAD><BODY>
3. <?php
4. headfile();
5. listfile ("hampster.php");
6. listfile ("hampsterlistfile.php");
7. headfile();
8. function listfile ($myfile)
9. {
10. $file = fopen($myfile, "r") or exit ("Unable to open $myfile");
11. echo "<H3>Source listing of $myfile</H3>";
12. $r=0;
13. while(!feof($file))
14. {
15. $con = htmlspecialchars(fgets($file), ENT_QUOTES);
16. if ($con != chr(13).chr(10) && $con != chr(10)) echo ++$r . ". " . $con . "<br>";
17. }
18. fclose($file);
19. }
20. function headfile ()
21. {
22. echo "<a href=/hampster.php>hampster</a>&nbsp;<a href=/index.html>home</a>";
23. echo "&nbsp;<a href=/launcher.html>launcher</a>&nbsp;Page updated on May 13th. 2014 and again on July 27th, 2015.";
24. }
25. ?>
26. </BODY></HTML>
hampster home launcher Page updated on May 13th. 2014 and again on July 27th, 2015.